What Does God Expect from us? – 1 – Worship God/Allah Alone.
It is important to know what does God expect from us because He created us, He gave us our bodies, He gave us our souls, He gave us life and ultimately to Him we will return after our death, and we will have to give accounts for our actions in this life on this earth. Secondly once we know what God expects from us, it will lift a heavy burden [...]
Harmony of The Quran and Human Nature.
The Harmony Between The Quran and Human Nature. The Quran is a divine text full of profound wisdom and truths. When a person approaches the Quran with an open mind and without prejudice, a person is most likely to be impressed by the authenticity and majesty of the Quran. A person will find all the statements and teachings of the Quran resonate well with him at a deep level. This [...]
Six Articles of Faith
Islam specifically mentions six articles of faith regarding God – Allah. All Muslims must have full faith in all of these articles, lack of full faith in any one of them will not make faith complete and a person will not be considered as a Muslim. 1 Oneness of God The very first principle of Islam, a Muslim must acknowledge is that “there is no one worthy of worship [...]
Five Pillars of Islam
Islam obligates five acts of worship which forms the foundation of Islamic practice, they are known as the five pillars of Islam. These pillars help a believer to submit himself to God, develop self-discipline, best character, social responsibility, spiritually, and build a relationship with his Lord. These pillars are as follows, 1 Testimony (Shahada) Also known as ‘shahada’ it is a testimony that bears witness and affirms the belief [...]
Worshipping Lord Every moment – Beauty of Islam 5
Many times, people wonder, how great it will be if a person can worship the Lord every moment of life. A Muslim can be in the state of worship every moment of life. This is one of the beauties of Islam amongst the many beauties of Islam. Many people will marvel how is this possible? Well, this is possible in Islam and that is exactly the beauty. So, let’s examine [...]
Supplications – Beauty of Islam 4
In Islam a great deal of emphasis is placed upon supplication, it is described sometime as the essence of the worship and sometimes it is described as worship itself. Supplicating to God-Allah throughout the day removes the heavy burden from the minds of a person and makes life easy and smooth. A Muslim supplicates to Allah as soon as he wakes up and the last thing he does before going [...]
Simple and Easy Religion – Beauty of Islam 3
In Islam a person finds all the teachings, doctrines, ritual worship in accordance with human nature. All rules - regulations of the Islam are very simple, reasonable, and logical, they resonate with human emotions and reasons very well. Nothing sounds weird, complex, unacceptable or against human nature. To understand the topic let us examine few major doctrines of Islam, 1.One God only – Tawheed Islam says there is only [...]