What Does God Expect from us? – 1 – Worship God/Allah Alone.

Published On: June 6, 2024763 words3.8 min read

It is important to know what does God expect from us because He created us, He gave us our bodies, He gave us our souls, He gave us life and ultimately to Him we will return after our death, and we will have to give accounts for our actions in this life on this earth. Secondly once we know what God expects from us, it will lift a heavy burden from our shoulders because what he expects from us is not difficult to fulfil, rather everything is beneficial for our own self and for our society, it’s also easy to carry them out, we will find pleasure and peace in carrying them out.

The list of what God expects from us is long but one thing stands out, it is fundamental – and it is extremely important. We should know this thing first and carefully carry it out. If we fail in this, other things will not matter. So, let’s study it first.

1.   Accept Oneness of God, do not associate anyone with Him as His equal/associate/partner. And accept Muhammad (PBUH) as His last and final messenger.

The first and fundamental thing is, accept oneness of God and do not associate anything or anyone with Him, as an associate or partner or assistant or son or family member and accept that Muhammad (pbuh) is his last and final messenger.

Believing in Oneness of Allah is not difficult because He created us, He gave us our life, He created everything in the universe. He created so many things for our benefit and our services. Like He created this planet earth, mountains, trees, rivers, He created sun, sky, and each of this thing is serving us. He created all of these things for us, and He did it all by Himself. He created us with innate nature to believe in Him and He sent His scriptures and messengers from time to time for our guidance. He has showered His signs within us and all around us in the universe. All we need to do is to  reflect, take out some time, look around the things, observe His Signs around us, look at the scriptures, study it find  out what He wants from us, what are our duties, how the things works in this universe, definitely our hearts will witness there is a God He is only one, there is no one who is associated who is equal to Him and who is assisting Him, this is first, foremost and fundamental requirement, If, we fell short of anything else, God may forgive us, but if we fail to fulfil this requirement God is very firm on that, He will not forgive anyone who fails here.

Moreover, this faith – this belief has to be voluntary and honest, firm conviction from our heart, just verbal confirmation for the sake of formality or out of compulsion will be of no use. Once we believe in this, it will be easy for us to worship Him alone, to carry out all His instructions and to believe in Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and obey the instructions from prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

In the Quran there are many verses which invite us for this, so let us look at those verses.

Worship Allāh and associate nothing with Him….4:36      

“Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases, and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin.”  4:48  

This is a very serious matter; we should avoid associating anyone with Allah.

Verses about Messenger:

So believe in Allah and in His messenger. 3:179  

O Mankind, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe; it is better for you. But if you disbelieve – then indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. And ever is Allah Knowing and Wise. 4:170     

As I said earlier these things are not difficult, but we just need to sit down, reflect, contemplate, study scripture and study the Quran. And it will be easy to follow these requirements. So, this is the first part of what God expects from us, there are some more requirements, we will discuss in later videos.

If you want to read the Quran in your own language, you may download it free from our website www.quranforhumanity.org We have more than one hundred translations of the Quran in different languages.

May guidance and peace be upon entire humanity.


Image Credit — Colton Duke on Unsplash




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