Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) -2

Published On: September 21, 2023427 words2.1 min read


Hello friends, today we will present few saying of prophet Muhammad (pbuh), these sayings are….concise, eloquent, full of wisdom they are of great spiritual value, and have powerful message. They provide invaluable lessons for all humans.

These sayings are also known as hadith.  The word ‘hadith’ means__ news, tale, or report.   In the Islamic context, __a hadith means a saying, statement, act or utterance by Prophet Muhammad, narrated by his companions. All authentic sayings of the Prophet are collected in books called the books of Ahadith.

Hadith can be concise or long, but all of them are eloquent, full of wisdom they are of great spiritual value, and have powerful message. They provide invaluable lessons for all humans. Hadiths are also useful to understand the context of the verses in the Quran.


We can also learn the importance of Hadiths from a verse of the Quran

And we have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds. 21:107,

Since Mohammed (PBUH) is sent as a mercy to all mankind, his sayings are also mercy for the mankind.


Also prophet mentioned….I have been given the gift of concise speech;…..


1.. “The most beloved to Allah of His servants__ is the best of them in character.”

2.  “There is nothing heavier on the balance__ than good character.” –On the Day of Judgement our deeds good or bad will be weighed in the scaled and not measured.

3. “A person will not enter Paradise__ from whose mischief his neighbors are not safe.”

4. “Gatherings are to be kept in secret.”

5. “Modesty is a branch of faith.”

6.”Allah is beautiful__ and loves beauty.”

7. “Convey from me, __even if only a verse.”

8. “Treat people__ according to their individual statuses.”

9. “The cure for ignorance__ is to question”

10 “Make things easy for the people__ and do not make them difficult; __give good tidings__ and do not drive (people) away.”

11 Eat, drink, give charity__ and dress__ without extravagance or pride. P64-106 Ahmad

12 “The most severely punished of people__ on the Day of Resurrection__ is an unjust leader.”

13 “Moderation in spending__ is half of [one’s] sustenance.”

14 “The intelligent is the one __who has subdued his lower self.”

15 “Livelihood seeks a person out__ in the same way__ that his death does.”

16 “Be in the world __as though_ you are a stranger or wayfarer.”

17 “Pay the laborer his due__ before his sweat dries.”

18 “Feed the hungry,__ visit the sick__ and free slaves.”

19 “A judge should not pass judgement between two people___ when he is angry.”

20 “Paradise is surrounded__ by difficulties__ and the Hell is surrounded by desires.”


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