Quran is for Entire Humanity.

Published On: September 26, 20201073 words5.4 min read




If I tell you that Quran has been revealed as guidance for the entire mankind, this will be huge surprise and probably a shock. Your reaction is natural, because most probably you have never heard this kind of statement before.

Usually when any non-Muslim person talks about the Quran he will refer to Quran as religious scripture of Muslims. Same way, when Muslims will discuss anything about Quran with any Non-Muslim most of the time they will refer to Quran as “our religious scripture”, and this statement fails to represent complete truth.

In reality, the Quran has been revealed as guidance for the entire mankind. The teachings and guidance of the Quran are for all humans present on this earth today and for all those who will come until the end of time.

Now if you are following any other religion than Islam or if you are an atheist or agnostic, you may be curious now, how the Quran is guidance for entire mankind, since we don’t follow Islam and we have our own religion and our own scripture.

To understand the answer to this question, we need to understand the process of revelation of guidance.

      The process of revelation of Guidance to humanity.

Guidance came to this earth with the arrival of first human Adam (PBUH). Adam (PBUH) was the first person to come on this earth and he was also a prophet. He received guidance from our Creator and preached guidance amongst his children.

Over the years, descendants of Adam migrated and settled in different parts of the globe. To keep the people on guidance, God Almighty sent multiple messengers to all such places at different times. God Almighty never left any place on this earth without His guidance at any time. There was either a messenger present there or the teachings or guidance of a previous messenger was alive. But all these messengers were sent only to some particular nation for a particular time period.

      Final Revelation and the Last Messenger. 

      Age of Globalization, Global Message and Messenger for Globe. 

This long process of sending messengers and revelations to different parts of the world ended 1400 years ago, when… as per divine plan, God Almighty changed this process and sent Muhammad (PBUH) as His last messenger until the end of time and the Quran was revealed upon Muhammad as the last scripture until the end of time. No messengers will come after him and no scripture will be revealed after the Quran.

Since Muhammad is the last messenger, he was sent for the entire humankind and same way the Quran revealed to him is the last book of guidance, it is made applicable to entire humankind by God Almighty.

The message of The Quran became applicable to all whom it reached since its revelation and it is applicable to all who are present on this earth today and all who will come to this earth till the end of time.

One important point we should note here is that the core message of all the previous scriptures and the Quran is same…  “worship the One God, who is the Creator and Sustainer of this universe and everything that is in this universe, and follow the messenger of the time.”

This is the age of globalization, we try to globalize all our economic, political social systems and process, we can safely assume that before we developed this idea, God Almighty already implemented globalization 1400 years ago by sending last messenger and last scripture for entire globe.

 Quran itself claims that it is guidance for the entire mankind.  

It is interesting to note that Quran itself also claims that this is the book of guidance for entire mankind. No other religious scripture has ever made such a claim before. We will visit two of such verses.

The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. 2:185

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy. 14:1

O mankind, there has come to you a conclusive proof from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light. 4;174

These verses are addressed to entire mankind and thus clearly indicate that Quran claims itself to be the guidance for the entire mankind.


Another important point is that the addresses of Quran to mankind in general strongly support its claim. Quran addresses the entire humanity on various subjects and issues.

O Mankind! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those who were before you, that you may ward off evil.2:21

O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women.4:1

O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. 10:57

O man! what has seduced thee from thy Lord Most Beneficent?
Him Who created you. Fashioned you in due proportion and gave you a just basis. 82:6-7

2:21-24, 4:132-134, 4:174-175, 7:3-5, 7-158,  17:22-39, 22: 1-8, 56:57-74,

Quran considers and treat entire human kind as one —progeny of Adam and eve. 


          Universal appeal of Quran. 


Finally MESSGAGE OF THE QURAN attracts most of the humans irrespective of their religious background or belief system.

All of us have few common questions, like why I am here?  From where I came? Where I will be after the death? What will happen after death? Is this world forever? Is there a creator? Are we here by chance? What is the purpose of this life?  When a person studies the Quran he will find satisfactory answers to all his questions, irrespective of the fact that whether he is Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu, follows any other religion or he is an atheist, agnostic or follows any other philosophy. The important point to note here is that answers contained in Quran are very convincing and natural; we don’t need to force ourselves to accept those answers. These answers fit smoothly with human nature, this quality of the Quran confirms that yes Quran is for entire mankind.

Pick up a copy of Quran and check it yourself.





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