Outstanding Facts about The Quran

Published On: December 7, 2023974 words4.9 min read

The Quran is the word of God-Allah

The Quran is a revelation; it is not a book written by someone. The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH by Allah (The most Glorified and the most High) through angel Gabriel/Jibraeel, PBUH. Prophet Muhammad PBUH is not the author of the Quran.

Since the Quran is a revelation each and every word of the Quran is from God, this fact reminds us that The Quran is an extremely valuable treasure. Each and every word of the Quran is a gem, we must read and understand it with utmost sincerity and try to act upon it. Every address in the Quran is from God and it is God who directly talks to us. We need to pay attention to every detail of the instructions given to us either as “O mankind or as O you who believe or in any other manner”.

The Quran contains past history of mankind and it also talks about our future. The Quran also carries glad tidings and warnings for mankind, and as the Quran is a word of God Himself, we must listen carefully. The Quran gives the road map to success, so we must pay attention and take it very seriously, and make sure that we are amongst the people who are successful – as defined by the Quran.


Main topics discussed in the Quran, 

The Quran deals with many topics and subjects but all those topics can be clubbed into three major topics. They are like these.

First topic, The Quran discuss is about God, about His persona and about His attributes. How to recognize Him? How to build a relationship with Him? Is it really necessary to build relationship with Him? All these facts are discussed with great details in the Quran, there is some statement about God in almost every page of the Quran.

Second major topic is about prophethood. Quran tells us that God has sent prophets for guidance of mankind, throughout the world at different times. The Quran tells us, what was the mission of all the prophets? Then the Quran provides detailed information about various events in the lives of few prophets who were sent to present day middle eastern region. Lastly, the Quran insists that Muhammad (PBUH) is also the prophet of God, and he is the last prophet in chain of prophethood. No other prophet will come after him, so it is incumbent upon us to believe in prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and follow his guidance.

The third major topic of the Quran is Day of Judgement and life after death. Day of Judgment is basically the second half of our life which is not visible to us. The Quran insists that Day of Judgement will be there for sure and every one of us will be accountable to God for our deeds in this life. People will be rewarded fully for their faith and good deeds and will be punished for lack of faith and evil deeds.  The knowledge and belief in Day of Judgment inspire people to pass their life with ethics and a sense of responsibility.     


The Quran is a guidance for entire mankind.

The Quran was revealed some 1440 years ago as a guidance to entire mankind and for this reason; the Quran contains numerous direct addresses to humans by God-Allah

Guidance is the main reason why the Quran was revealed, -guiding mankind on how to know the creator and how to build a relationship with Him, how to earn His pleasure. Allah himself has provided the details of His attributes in the Quran and also the details of why He created all the universe and what is the purpose of it? What does He want from the humans? The Quran describes in detail how God wants us to pass our life, what are do’s and don’ts of our life. How to achieve peace and success in this life and remain in eternal comfort in the life after death. Guidance and teachings of the Quran are applicable not only to Muslims but to all the people living on this earth today, and to all those people who will come till the end of time.


Quran insists on meeting with the Creator

Meeting with the Creator – is an inevitable event, every human will meet their creator eventually. Quran keeps reminding this fact relentlessly. Believing in meeting with God is an essential part of believing in God. Quran warns both believers and non-believers about this. A great emphasis is laid on the points like, we will be resurrected and brought back to God for reckoning of our deeds in this world, Day of Judgment is a very difficult day for many. Reward of good deeds are great and punishment of bad deeds in the hereafter are severe.

Meeting with our Creator is an extremely crucial point, behavior and mindset of people will change once they realize the importance of this fact. Once we understand the significance of this fact, we will realize the value of our time and the importance of our life in this world.

Meeting with our Creator our God will be a pleasing event for those who believed in God and passed their life as per His guidance and it will be a painful event for those who disbelieved in God and rejected His guidance.

With this we have come to an end of today’s discussion. We will bring you more discussions about the Quran so please keep visiting us, subscribe to our channel and press the bell sign so that you get notification as soon as a new video is uploaded.

If you want to read the Quran in your own language you can download it from our website www.quranforhumanity.org


May peace and guidance, be upon entire humanity.




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