Outstanding Facts about Islam

Published On: December 7, 2023617 words3.1 min read

There are plenty things about Islam worth knowing from that we will discuss five unique and important facts today.

Islam -means submitting to the will of One and only God.  

Islam is an Arabic word which has two meanings, one is peace and another meaning is submission.

When someone says that, “There is no one worthy of worship except Allah”, in essence the person is saying that there is only one God – Allah, The Most Glorified and The Most High and He is only worthy of worship. By this proclamation a person also agrees to submit to rules and laws prescribed by Allah in his daily life and not to follow his personal desires and impulses, this is submission -this is Islam.

Islam came to this world when the first human (Adam PBUH) came to this earth.

Islam was introduced to the world with the arrival of the first human Adam (PBUH), on this planet. He was the first human on this earth and he was also the first prophet of God. He practiced Islam himself, he preached Islam to his progeny. All the prophets who came after him throughout the world practiced Islam by submitting to laws of Allah. So, Islam is not new to this world.

Oneness of God is the central theme of Islam.

God is only one, Allah – The Most Glorified, The Most High, No one else is worthy of worship, this is the central point of Islam. He is unique, there is no one like Him. He is all by Himself, All Capable, All knowledgeable, All powerful. God has no family, no parents, no son or daughter. No one shares His attributes. He has no associate or partner in His authority and power. Allah is our Creator and our sustainer; we will return to Him only after we die. Therefore, we should not worship anyone except Allah is the central theme of Islam. This is very important point.

Islam – encompasses the full way of life—-it covers every- aspect of life, from cradle to grave.

No aspect of life is outside the realm of Islam.

In Islam though, basic forms of worship like praying, fasting, giving charity or performing pilgrimage are very important, but Islam does not end there. Islam covers all aspects of life. In Islam every routine activity of daily life, whether normal or important, whether personal, social, educational, economic or political are the part of the religion. And following religious guide lines in all activities of life is essential in Islam.

All daily routine activities that a person enjoys doing and get pleasure out of it like eating, drinking, sleeping, dressing appropriately, gaining knowledge, earning livelihood, getting married, spending time with family, spending time with spouse and kids, being active in the society for promoting good and removing evil are part of religion and counted as worship, provided they are done as per the guidelines of Islam. Allah has promised generous rewards for all these activities. Even just looking at the parents with love and respect is part of religion and rewarded as an act of worship.

Islam is a simple and easy religion.

All rules -regulations of the Islam are very simple, they resonate with human emotions and reasons very well. Nothing sounds weird, complex, unacceptable or against human nature. There is no pomp and show, no rules are cumbersome or laborious. Islam does not burden a person beyond his capacity. Islam permits a lot of flexibility in observing rules in case of sickness, old age or some extraordinary circumstances. The most appealing and comforting part of Islam is that, you are in direct connection with Allah, there is no one in between a person and Allah.



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