Only One God – Beauty of Islam 1

Published On: April 11, 2024822 words4.1 min read

1.    Only one God = Allah.


Welcome to Quran for Humanity, here we discuss various topics about the Quran. Today we will discuss about the beautiful teachings of Islam.     

Islam has a multitude of beautiful teachings, doctrines and practices. We will discuss a few of them in next few videos. One God is probably the most beautiful teaching of Islam that we will discuss today.

The Quran says there is only one God – Allah. He has no equals – no associate – no partner. He has no parents, no wife, son or daughter. There is no one in this entire universe who is equal to Him. He is unique in His attributes and power. He is in full control of all the affairs by Himself. He is fully capable -All capable –and fully in control of all the affairs by Himself. He does not need the help or support of anyone else. If He wants to do anything — He just commands it and it is done.

He is the Lord of all the worlds, He is the Creator and He is the Sustainer of whatever we see around us in the universe. He created this universe and gave existence to everything that exists including us, the humans. He is the one who is providing all our needs at any given moment. He sustains everything that is going on around us.

He is All knowledgeable, nothing is beyond His knowledge. He knows whatever is happening around us. He knows what we speak out and what we conceal. He knows when any female conceives, and He is aware of the growth fetus in the wombs. He knows anything that happens either in skies or deep at the bottom of the sea, either in daylight or in the dark night. He is all knowledgeable and in full control of everything, all by Himself,

Despite all His might and power, He is the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate to all of His creation, He loves His creation. He is always available to answer the calls of His creation, always eager to forgive His creation when they commit some mistake. He loves those who commit mistakes and call Him in repentance.

This is God – Allah the One and Only. All capable- All knowledgeable – The Most Merciful – Compassionate – Clean of any defects and Exalted. He is the only one worthy of worship. This is such a clean, clear – the most credible and convincing narration of God. Can we have any hesitation in accepting the narration and worshipping such a God?

Only one God – is a very rational and logical explanation, aligning with our nature, easy to accept.  We see around us that all the institutions we know of, have only one person as the head with full and final authority. If there are more than one persons in charge with the same authority and powers, there will be conflict and chaos. All time will be wasted in infighting – no matter how senior or how mature and sincere those people in authority may be. Same way if there are different gods they will have differences of opinion – different tastes, different likings, that will result in internal rivalry – internal competition –jealousy and desire to become supreme. We have seen this– gods fighting each other – in many mythological stories.

Islam does not insist on One God – just because it sounds good or it is more rational or logical or this description of God can be more acceptable or popular. Islam insists this because this is the real case, this is the fact. The Quran provides numerous arguments in support of this fact with a detailed narrative, how there is only God, what are the proofs in support of it and what will happen if there are more than one gods, we already described a little of that scenario above.

Having more than one God is the biggest confusion for many people. They are really confused how there can be more than one God? How will the affairs of this world run smoothly if there are more than one God? Whom to worship? Islam saves everyone from this huge confusion, and puts them on the right path. It is easy and natural to worship One God with full undivided loyalty and attention. This is one of the most beautiful things or teachings about the Islam.

With this we have come to the end of today’s discussion, we will bring you more talks about the Quran, so keep visiting us and do not forget to subscribe to our channel and press the bell sign, so you get the notification for all new videos.

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