Names and Attributes of the Quran Part 4

Published On: August 11, 2020610 words3.1 min read

Names and Attributes of the Quran Part 4

Allah the God Almighty has mentioned multiple names and titles for the Quran. This is a unique feature of the Quran, it is not usual to find a book describing itself with so many different titles. These names or titles point out qualities and functions of The Quran, they also indicate the importance and greatness of the Quran.  Today we will discuss some more names and one or two verses from the Quran mentioning that name.

First name we would like to discuss today is,

Bayan – Clear or Explicit – Statement

This [Quran] is a clear statement to [all] the people (mankind) and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of Allah.” 3:138  

Quran makes the truth evident in simple and plain terms, it explains what is good and what is evil. Quran explains reasons for having faith in One God. Thus, Quran is clear statement for all mankind, especially for those who are conscious of (God).


Kalamullah:  – Speech of Allah The Glorified and most High.

And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah…… 9:6

Quran is the speech of Allah conveyed to prophet Muhammed (PBUH) through angel Gabriel.


 Qawl – word

And We have [repeatedly] conveyed to them the Word (Qur’an) that they might be reminded. 28:51  

Here word means content of the Quran. This Quran is the Word – which contains news about our Creator, His creations, His attributes, life after death and so on.


 Wahy – Revelation

Say, “I only warn you by revelation.” 21:45  

Wahy is another Arabic name for revelation. Quran is referred as revelation. In the Quran Prophet Muhammed was commanded by God almighty to remind his audience that what he says is the result of revelation (wahy), and he does not say anything out of his desire.


 Ahsanul Hadith – Fair Statement, Beautiful Discourse.

Allah has sent down the best statement: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. 39:23  

Quran is a beautiful discourse both in meaning and expression. Reiteration and repetition are eloquence of the Quran.


Mutashabih – Resembling each other – Coherent-

Allah has sent down the best statement: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. 39:23  

Every part of the Qurān is uniform and resemble with one another, and this resemblance and repetition helps in effectively registering the subject matter in minds of its readers or listeners.


Mubarak: Blessed 38:29

[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded. 38:29   

Quran has brought guidance, enlightenment, cure for the diseases of the heart, a person finds peace and tranquility in the Qur’an. These are huge blessings, so Quran is the blessed book.


Mufassal – Clarified – Explained in Detail

[Say], “Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?” 6:114  

Quran is from God Almighty, it is perfect, miraculous, inimitable. All matters of principle are described in clear details.


 Sidq – Truth

And the one who has brought the truth and [they who] believed in it – those are the righteous. 39:33  

The Quran has resolved all disputes and presented the truth about God and hereafter, so Quran is referred as truth.


 Naba-ul-Azim- Great Tiding, Magnificent News

 Say, “It (the Quran) is great news. 38:67

The message brought by Quran applies to all humanity for all time to come, so the Quran is great news.


Hukm Arabi – A judgement of Authority-Legislation,

And thus We have revealed it as an Arabic legislation…….13:37

Quran has been sent down as a decisive judgement revealed in Arabic



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