Harmony of The Quran and Human Nature.

Published On: June 5, 20241045 words5.2 min read

The Harmony Between The Quran and Human Nature.

The Quran is a divine text full of profound wisdom and truths. When a person approaches the Quran with an open mind and without prejudice, a person is most likely to be impressed by the authenticity and majesty of the Quran. A person will find all the statements and teachings of the Quran resonate well with him at a deep level.

This is because we are created by God – God created us with an inbuilt knowledge of Himself – and the Quran is also sent down by God so both are in total harmony. We are not aware of this at a conscious level. But the Quran invites us frequently to reflect over the facts of our life. And when we approach the Quran with an open mind, it opens up an invaluable treasure of wisdom and truth and we can find clear harmony in what is said in the Quran and what are the realities on the ground around us.

Let’s check a few statements of the Quran and see how we feel about them after due contemplation.

1.        The Quran Says “There is only One God” Allah.

Say, “He is Allāh, [who is] One,  112….1

Our hearts will immediately agree with this. If there were more than one God, there would have been chaos all around in the universe. Because all the gods would have been fighting to establish their supremacy. Also, human nature is set in such a way that we cannot follow directions from more than one entity in any particular matter, therefore it is easy for us to follow the instructions of one master, one supervisor or one manager and it is very difficult to follow instructions from more than one supervisor or manager, same way we cannot be comfortable worshipping more than one God.

2.       The Quran says only Allah (one God) is worthy of Worship.

And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. 2-163

The Quran insists that there is only One God and He is Allah, and He is only one worthy of worship. This is simple, Allah created us, He created everything in the universe. Allah is sustaining us by providing us all that we need to survive. He is All seeing, All hearing, All knowing. He sent guidance to us by way of scriptures and messengers to Him we will return. No one shares His attributes; He has no associates or  partners. So why should we worship anyone else?

 3.       The Quran says God does not have a family.

       He neither begets nor is born….112…3

If God has a family then there is no difference between a human and God. Being born, and then developing from infancy to adulthood entails a lot of weakness, this does not suit His Majesty and Grandeur. If God had a family, then there would be multiple heirs, who would be asking for a share in lordship, there would have been multiple gods and we would find ourselves in many confusing and uncomfortable situations.

So, it does make sense that God is All by Himself without any family, All capable – He accomplishes whatever He wishes without anyone’s help.

4.  The Quran says God sent messengers and scriptures.

And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, 16:36

This we can easily verify by checking human history. If we examine the history of humanity, most human civilization regardless of their location and historical period, we will find the presence of wise people, insightful literature and some system of moral laws. This observation should be enough to prove the authenticity of the above statement.

5. The Quran says –God gives life and death.

It is Allah who gives life and causes death. 3-156,

He is the One˺ Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving. 67-2.

This is obvious, we don’t have any control on any element of our birth as to when, where and how we want to take birth or when, where and how we want to die. We can neither see or point out any other power or entity causing this. This is every one’s personal experience, therefore this statement of the Quran does not need any proof or explanation in its favor.

We can also verify that we did not come into existence by chance only. Just reflect over this, whether such a complex and intricate yet wonderful human can come into existence just by chance? How likely is that?

6. The Quran says Justice will be served to every person.

On the Day when every soul will come disputing [i.e., pleading] for itself, and every soul will be fully compensated for what it did, and they will not be wronged [i.e., treated unjustly].16:111

And judgment will be passed on all with fairness. None will be wronged. 39:69

Every human desires justice strongly – every human yearns for it; this is the part and parcel of human nature. In our society we find so many injustices —an average person in the society is weak and there are so many people around him who take advantage of him by various means. It is very difficult to get the full justice for an average person in this world – so we seek some way of getting justice and this will definitely make sense to us –even though we don’t know how and when this will happen, but hearts yearn for this. In fact, this is one of the hopes that gives courage to a person to keep moving on despite all odds.

The list can go on and on, we can check hundreds of verses from the Quran and we will find the same result, our hearts agree readily with what is mentioned in the Quran. Verses referred above are sufficient to make the point that advice or instructions or facts mentioned in the Quran are perfectly in harmony with human nature.   

If you want to read the Quran in your own language, you may download it free from our website www.quranforhumanity.org We have more than one hundred translations of the Quran in different languages. May guidance and peace be upon entire humanity.  




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