Does God Exist?

Published On: October 9, 20201583 words7.9 min read

Does God exist? Who is God? Is God real? What is His nature? What is the proof? Where is the proof? Why should I believe in absence of the proof? Is God real or he is just a creation of human mind? And can we ultimately trust in any reality?

Some more arguments are like these, we need certainty. Can we not have morality without religion. Is science not sufficient for us? God is simply unnecessary: we can explain all the workings of the universe without the need for a Creator. Why not to believe in simply man, society and world. Why not to believe in simple human values, Liberty, Fraternity and Love. Are we not deluding ourselves?

Further some argue is God not the projection of man (Ludwig Feuerbach), Opium of the people (Marx), resentment of those who fallen short (weak?), (Nietzsche), illusion of those who remained infantile?

Answers to all these questions are not difficult but at the same time not so easy. We need to reflect and weigh in all possible answers with a calm mind and pure heart without any preconceived notion or idea influencing the outcome.

Think, did sky, sun, moon, stars, land, mountain, rivers, forest, came into existence just by chance, without any purpose. How come and why they all are serving us? Can something come into existence by chance or an accident? Can something come into existence without someone creating it? Did we and all the things around us came into existence by some chance or accident only? Have you experienced or do you know anything coming into existence by chance or accident? Does your common sense agree with this? A hard look at all these questions will have one answer, that is not the case.

These things cannot come into existence by chance. There must be some entity, some power behind all these. So at least we know now, there must be a creator, we call this Creator – God. 

Now, the issue is if God exists, Who is He? Where is He? Who created God? Why He is not visible to us? Can we believe God exist without seeing Him, without any proof or evidence? We will deal with all the question in detail later. Right now, we will discuss the last question. Can we believe that God exists without seeing Him or without any proof?

Usually two arguments are put forward in denying existence of God. First there is no scientific evidence for existence of God. Here we need to realize and acknowledge the limitations of the science, that science is not capable enough to prove or disprove the existence of God. Science can explain about something only if that object or subject has physical presence or qualities. Science cannot throw any light which exists in nonphysical way. For example, science has given us tremendous amount insight and knowledge about bodies, but science is not saying anything about ourselves – our souls or our conscious, because our soul and our conscious exists in a non-physical form. What scientific formula or explanation we have for honesty, love, sympathy or anger?

Also remember, science is only explaining what is existing …it has not crated anything. Science has not created the sky, earth, moon and the stars. God has created all the things out of nothing. If all the scientist and engineers of the world get together they will not be able to create a wing of a mosquito. So it is not wise to say that I don’t believe that God exists because science has not proved it.

Second argument is, why not to believe in simply man, society and world. Why not to believe in simple human values, liberty, fraternity and love. Why do we need religion and God? We can have moral values without God.

Answer to this argument is that who will decide what is moral and what is immoral.  If humans have to decide the moral code of life, our history would have been full of wars – fought to decide who has moral right to decide what is moral. Ultimate moral in the society would have been morals agreed upon by powerful nations of the world and within a nation by powerful members of the society. In short there will be chaos and confusions all around. So, we need a higher authority to decide laws equitable for all. That authority is God.

We have seen that nothing can come into existence without any creator, and there cannot be any law without law giver – so it leads us to believe that there is a God. Now question arises how to believe that God exists when He is not visible and when there is no apparent proof of Him. Let us deal with this now.

To know the God, we have to fix our criterion of knowing whether Does God Exist? We cannot know existence of God through science. As we have seen earlier at present science is not capable enough of proving or disproving whether God exist or not? So how to know existence of God?

Now the common approach is when a proof of something is absent, we generally rely on our common sense and our gut feelings or intuition. And we also don’t need to have absolute knowledge of everything when we take any action, rather we need just ‘sufficient knowledge’. For example, we have to travel somewhere, we have no knowledge whether the plane is absolutely safe to fly, everything is sound and perfect, we do not have knowledge what to check, how to check and we don’t have to tools and time to check it, before we fly.  All we need is sufficient knowledge that air line which we are flying has a good record of safety that’s all we do. Same way when we go to a hospital, we don’t check how much doctor knows or a medicine work, all we do is to check the past record of the hospital and that suffice us. Same principle should be applied in deciding whether God exists or no? If we have sufficient clues that God exists that should be enough.

God is not visible to us, we have no proof of God but God has given us multiple ways to recognize Him. God says He has created this world and sent us here for a test, that’s the reason He has not revealed Himself to us. But He has sprinkled several clues to facilitate recognizing His presence.

First, He created Humans with innate nature to believe in God and He has sprinkled His Signs within us and all around us.  Our longing for meaning, purpose, security, and our longing for cosmic justice is the one tool to recognize God, if we take out some time and look deep within our heart, we will get illumination to recognize God. His signs are all within ourselves and all around us.

Human is created with innate nature to believe in God So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah (nature) of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know. 30:30

Second, He sent His messengers and scriptures in all parts of the world in every age. We know this through history and presence of religions in all different parts of the world. Many scriptures are present with us even today. We are well aware of last few messengers, like Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed (PBUT). All the religions originally had the same teachings.

Third The Quran, and we have the Last Revelation, The Quran is with us. Quran tells us about every detail of our existence, before birth, this life and after death. Quran gives us the past history of human societies and gives information what will happen after death, what lies ahead for us. Quran gives logical reasons, arguments and hints to recognize the presence of God. Study the Quran without any preconceived notion and with open heart, your heart will tell you this is the right thing, this is ultimate truth, this cannot be the work of a human and this is one the biggest sign of God’s existence.

Every person needs to study Quran to judge whether God exists or not, any conclusion arrived without the study of the Quran will be incomplete, null and void. You can visit our website to down load the Quran in your language.

Fourth, The Signs and The Science. If you are a science lover, behold! science and belief in God are not incompatible. In fact, science is providing more and more argument that there is some intelligent powerful force behind our existence. Science is main instrument that allows to study and acknowledge the Signs of God.

The mathematical fine tuning and precise balance of our universe, marvelous details of mass, matters, atoms, presence of gravity to hold everything together. The wonders of living creatures specially human, the extremely detailed, intricate and incredibly complicated construction of our organs, parts of bodies. Amazing details of blood cells, DNA and genes. Vastness and beauty of our universe, millions of species, birds, fishes and animals, live in harmony and serve some purpose, details of which we know thanks to science, prove that all these cannot come into existence, without a grand designer, master and a creator, whom we know as God.


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