Does God Exist?

Last Amended: June 30, 2024

How to recognize God?

Does God exist? Who is God? What is His nature? In what form is He? How to recognize Him? Many people have struggled with these questions in the past and many are struggling with these questions now.

With the advancement of science, humanity now search the answers for every question from the science? In modern times many people think, what is the proof of God? Where is the proof?  Why should I believe in God, if there is no proof?  But science has its own limitation, answers to above questions cannot come from science. So how do we believe in God in absence of proof? Quran provides answer to this question.

Tools to recognize God.

Quran provides us few important hints to recognize the existence of God. We will discuss three of them here, first major hint is our own nature (heart), the second is signs of God around us, and third one is the Quran and messenger of God prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).

Our own nature.

Quran says your own nature is a tool to recognize God, dive deep into your own heart, listen to what it tells you about the God. Quran says, human is created with innate nature of recognizing God and truth, use your natural inclinations, pay attention to your creation and other creations around you, observe and think.

“So, direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people.” 30:30

…Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart – about all those [one] will be questioned. ..17:36

God has created every human with innate nature to recognize and believe in Him, He provided us the faculties of seeing, hearing and thinking. But sadly many do not use their faculties and do not care to look into their own hearts. They devote their lives to all kinds of pursuits—wealth, status, sports, travel, music and entertainments —but they care little to apply their mental powers to contemplate on the most significant question of life namely “The existence of God”.

Know God through His signs.  

Quran also tells us to recognize God through His signs. There are signs of God all around us and within us, these signs are major source of recognizing God, combine it with quest of our own nature and these should be enough to know the God.

Have they not looked at the heaven above them – how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? 50:6

Does man not consider that We created him from a [mere] sperm-drop – then at once he is a clear adversary? And he presents for Us an example and forgets his [own] creation.  36-77-78

Quran cites multiple signs of Gods that are scattered around us. If we study these verses and pay attention to those signs, we can easily recognize the presence of God, it is plain and simple.

The Quran and Messengers.

Quran is the word of God, it is the living proof of God’s knowledge and wisdom. Person with sincere heart will find the light of truth while roaming through the pages of the Quran. At times the Quran gives succinct and piercing guidance, awakening a person from depth of ignorance and at times it is inviting a person ponder and reflect to grasp the truth. Blend of wisdom and beauty while conveying the message will force a person to believe that this cannot be the work of anyone but God.

The Quran is with us, we can hold it in our hands, explore it and decide whether God exist or not?

Also, when we study the life and flowless character of Mohammed (pbuh), amount of vast wisdom in his sayings and how he transformed the lives of those around him we cannot help ourselves but wonder, this cannot be possible unless there is divine connection. This is also a major indicator of existence of God.

Are these tools not enough to answer does God exist or not?

Rejecting God because science is not providing us proof!                                              

Now let’s examine the question from a different angle. Though science is extremely useful for humanity, is it correct to reject existence of God simply because science is not able to provide us proof? Failure of science to give us proof is not because God does not exist, but it is because of limitations of science. Science is not capable of measuring, visualizing or comprehending God. science is only capable of discovering things which has physical – material presence.

Think for example, science knows a lot about my hands, legs, eyes, heart and other organs, but science cannot tell anything about me, my soul, who I am, where I am in my body, how do I exist, my consciousness, my morale, science has absolutely no knowledge about these aspects of life. If we can exist and science cannot throw any light about our existence, how can we expect science to prove existence of G0d?

We should always be aware of limitations of science. Science is not able to produce or create anything out of nothing. Science discovered that air contains Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon, science did not produce them, they existed long before science evolved. So, if science is not able to prove existence of God, it does not mean that God does not exist.

While recognizing limitations of science, ironically science itself has provided many indicators pointing at the existence of God, we will cover them in some other video.


So finally asking once more Does God exist? We can say today with more confidence than few decades or centuries ago “Yes God does exist”.